Cảm Ơn Em Đã Sưởi Ấm Anh

  • Angels Fall Sometimes

  • Năm phát hành:
  • Trạng thái Hoàn Tất (24/24) Vietsub

  • Số tập: 24
  • Quốc gia: Trung Quốc
  • Thể loại: Chính kịch
Đánh giá của bạn: 0
8.0 1 đánh giá
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Cảm Ơn Em Đã Sưởi Ấm Anh – Angels Fall Sometimes HD Vietsub

Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que met at a job fair during the summer internship of their junior year. They fell in love at first sight, and after deepening their understanding of each other, they determined their relationship. As graduation season approaches, the two join hands as they went through university to working life together and plan for a better future. Although the road of life was not going smoothly, but with their mutual encouragement, it gradually got on the right track.

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